Wednesday, March 30, 2016

False Depictions

Due to many peoples' lack of information on snakes, snakes have received a bad reputation for being vicious bloodthirsty beasts. As I've said before in my blog, this simply isn't true. They are often harmed and provoked by humans causing them to strike in self defense. A large part of their negative depiction is due to the media.
As a fun blog, I will name few movies in which snakes are shown as killers.

1) Snakes on a Plane

 Image result for snakes on a plane

This is a movie about killer snakes being released on a plane (hence the title) and some of the passengers efforts to escape and save as many people as possible.


Snake eyes

This horror movie is centered around a group of people who are out to search for and kill the legendary Anaconda.

3) Razortooth

Image result for Razortooth

Yet another horror film about snakes / serpents. In this movie, a killer water snake is the monster that hunts down people.

Although there probably is a movie in which a snake is the "hero", I have never heard of or seen such a movie. Even on the news and books, snakes are mostly portrayed as dangerous and we are constantly warned to not go near them. So I think it's safe to say that media has a large part in creating this false depiction.

Rainbow Gallery

Because one picture is worth a thousand wor.... never mind too cliché. Well anyways here's a rainbow gallery for you just to show the wide variety of these creatures.





Something new

Silently Slithering across the Shrubbery, the Snake
a lynedduS .tnemeltteS sti sdrawot derepmacS
Shadowy Stern Man Scoped in on the Serpent. 

Not bothering the Nagger at all, the snake Never
eht ,nopaew yvaN eciN eht gnigduN .raeN ti was
man Narrowly missed the creature.  

Alarmed at the action of the Annoyer, the 
.noitcA ekat ot ti desivdA edutitpA s'laminA
Arching towards the Appalled man, All of the 
.rekcattA eht no saw noitnettA s'erutaerc

Knowing he was in trouble, the Knowledge-less
eh. ekans eht sdrawot llonK eht revo dekih relliK
had a Knack for messing up. the snake delivered                                                          .ssiK relliK eht

Everything went blurry as the lad tried to Escape.
redavE eht ,efil sih fo stneve lanif eht gniretnE
slowly got Erased. don't Ever Exasperate a snake.