Monday, October 26, 2015

Okay so I've decided to use this post to just give an overview of what to expect from the upcoming posts. I will focus on 4 snakes; two of the venomous and two of them non-venomous. For each of them, I will give information about their habitats, diet, lifestyle, size, and other useful facts as well.  I will also provide a picture for each of them so you guys can get a better idea of how it looks.

After having posts about these things, I will begin to compare them with one another and most likely include some visual such as a Venn diagram or something of that sort. My goal is to show that not all snakes are alike. There are many differences amongst them, not just whether they are venomous or non-venomous. So hopefully by the end of this, the message that not all snakes are harmful, evil creatures is sent across.

1 comment:

  1. Good plan for organization. How have you chosen your four "focus-snakes"? Are they species that you have personally encountered, or are they simply the ones that capture your interest?
    Also, by your last statement, do you mean to imply that some snakes are "harmful, evil creatures"? I'm guessing through context that you did not mean this.
