Monday, February 8, 2016

Self-Reflection and Criticism

Ok so this blog was started because I was assigned to keep make one for my English class. I've been researching snakes, 2 venomous and 2 non-venomous. But I haven't done a good job in consistently keeping up with my blog. I've completed each post just as a way to fill up space. But that is not what a blog is supposed to be. A blog is supposed to be a way to show your interest and like a hobby so I will try to make 3-4 posts a month. This way I can stay on top of things and make the blog more interesting.

Aside from just doing plain research on snakes, I will try to incorporate what I'm learning into my blogs but still keeping it snake themed. It's not too late to make this blog better and up to my standard. I've done many research projects throughout my journey from 1st grade to 11th. So because of the freedom allowed on this project, I don't want to do the same typical research project. I will include more of my own thoughts and opinions; because after all, blogs are meant to be personalized.
So up to this point, I would give myself a 3.5 stars out of 5. I know I can do better and make it more interesting for both those reading the blog and myself by being creative.

World War II attackers

In my AP English class, our teachers vouched for us to read Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. The book itself takes place during World War II and follows the journey of Louis Zamperini. In respect to that, we have been assigned to somehow connect our blog topic to the book. So I did some research about snakes during WWII and turns out that snakes had a an influence in some battles. At the battle of Okinawa in Japan, snakes inhabited the waters around the island. So when the soldiers fought, some of them accidentally stepped on or destroyed the homes of many of these snakes. This created a sense of alarm by the snakes and many of them injected their venom into the soldiers, actually killing them.

It's a flip!

Snakes can grow to be huge and many feet long, so its a surprise to know that even the biggest snakes are scared of something. The biggest fear for snakes is us. That's right, humans. There is this misconception of snakes hunting down humans and injecting their poison. But the reality is that snakes are the ones that are hunted down and killed.  Hundreds of snakes have been harmed to the point to where they are on the endangered species list

Image result for Lycodon chrysoprateros
Lycodon chrysoprateros
The Lycodon Chrysoprateros is a great example of an endangered snake. It's known as Ross' wolf snake. This snake is labeled as critically endangered. It's found in the Philippines are they are often hunted down for their skin. There are many more snakes that have the same condition if not worse. Many snakes are also hurt indirectly by humans. Us homo sapiens are always making pollution and hurting the environment. Water snakes often suffocate and die due to water pollution caused by humans. So although snakes are viewed as monsters who are "out to get us", it is in fact humans who are out to get snakes.