Monday, February 8, 2016

It's a flip!

Snakes can grow to be huge and many feet long, so its a surprise to know that even the biggest snakes are scared of something. The biggest fear for snakes is us. That's right, humans. There is this misconception of snakes hunting down humans and injecting their poison. But the reality is that snakes are the ones that are hunted down and killed.  Hundreds of snakes have been harmed to the point to where they are on the endangered species list

Image result for Lycodon chrysoprateros
Lycodon chrysoprateros
The Lycodon Chrysoprateros is a great example of an endangered snake. It's known as Ross' wolf snake. This snake is labeled as critically endangered. It's found in the Philippines are they are often hunted down for their skin. There are many more snakes that have the same condition if not worse. Many snakes are also hurt indirectly by humans. Us homo sapiens are always making pollution and hurting the environment. Water snakes often suffocate and die due to water pollution caused by humans. So although snakes are viewed as monsters who are "out to get us", it is in fact humans who are out to get snakes.

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