Monday, October 26, 2015

Welcome to a Snakey Blog!

Hi, my name is Rofin Maknojia and I have decided to finally start my first blog.  I've wanted to start one for a while now but I never knew what to talk about."Just talk about something you like" people would tell me. But thats a problem... I don't really know what I like. On top of that, honestly I just didn't think I had enough time to constantly add entries.

But about a month ago, I went camping with my boy scout troop and we came upon a garden snake while hiking. Most of us were scared but surprisingly, I wasn't.  I don't know what, but something about it just intrigued me. Is it the way they move? Is it the way they pounce? Is it because of all the different kinds of snake?

I don't know but I've become fascinated with them. So I have decided that I will keep an informative blog about different kinds of snakes. They are often labeled as dangerous but hopefully with this blog, I can show you that not all snakes are dangerous and that many can actually be really friendly.

1 comment:

  1. I have always been uneasy of creepy-crawly-slithering fauna, so I can not say I share your intrigue with snakes. However, through your blog, I hope to objectively learn more, and perhaps your passion may be contagious.
